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Observing changes in health and improve health

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Health & wellbeing depends on observations and intiatives

I want to share this so that others can figure out how to maintain good health.

I faced many health issues in Canada 2012-2019 that were directly rooted from workplace bullying.

Due to workplace bullying I withdrawn myself from some good hobbies that were connecting me with Nature and my inner self. After medical prescription failed to help me get back my health , 

I started analyzing 

What went wrong ?

When it went wrong ? 

Why it went wrong ?

Finally I found that my connection with the nature was lost and I was staying more in indoor environment that was opposite to my nature that requires good amount of outdoor time.

When I started this health transition , I was not even able to lift my body from bed in the morning. I used to struggle with myself for hours to get up. I took initiative to walk few meters everyday  and it was painful in the beginning. I started with 200 meters then gradually increased up to 5 kilometers .Then in second phase I started dancing and running in River valley Edmonton. I started cycling 10-20 kilometers,when my stamina improved significantly.

I must mention that these transitions are slow but gradual just like other natural processes like seeding a plant. Now observe how slow snow will melt, then soil will soften. The leaves starts sprouting out in shape of buds first. Then first leave will come out. Slowly but gradually trees will turn green ,then flowers will  bloom. Did you ever noticed that we only observe when there is greenery and flowers but never paid attention to everyday changes by closely watching and observing how natural process works – Slow and gradual.

You got the point. It is time to take initiative to observe yourself and nature. In case you have any health issue start reflecting how it started. Observe all changes and try to find out what you need to do according to your own personality and circumstances. Answers for every individual may be different but methodology is same . 

Analyse your own situation

The first step is to observe & analyse

Second step is to take initiative.

Then challenge yourself slowly but gradually to get wherever you want to in your health and wellbeing.

— Amrik Khabra